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Simple Choices. Better Planet.


One plastic product wreaking havoc that has gained recent attention is single-use straws. One may not have imagined a product as trivial and underwhelming as a plastic straw could have such an enormously adverse impact on the environment. Currently, the USA alone uses 500 million disposable straws per day. And, this number is even more shocking in Europe, where consumers use an estimated 25.3 billion each year.
  • 4 min read
Over the last couple of years, concern over microplastics has grown, from damaged marine species health to contaminated rainwater and food. You may have heard this new term, but do not know how microplastics fit into the larger scale of environmental pollution. So, what are microplastics? And also, why should we care about microplastics? Let us explain
  • 4 min read
Somewhere back in the peculiar, awkward, and downright confusing period that was my youth I came across an idea that stuck with me. Namely, that it would be the height of arrogance to sit down and begin to write or rather engage in debate in a meaningful way without first living life. How could one have any perspective without first endeavoring to experience as much of the world and life as possible?  
  • 3 min read

Have you ever arrived in the middle of a conversation and had no idea what anyone was talking about? None of us like to feel out of the loop. Each group and interest group has its own lingo and the green movement is no exception. 

But with so many terms that are easy to mix up ⁠— green, eco-friendly, clean, non-toxic, to name a few ⁠— getting up to speed can be overwhelming.

The importance of sustainable shipping is starting to emerge into the spotlight. One root cause of this change in awareness is the modern era’s unique love triangle — one that puts young adult novels to shame. Who makes up this love triangle, you ask? That is simple: humans, the planet, and convenience. 
  • 4 min read
As we seek to reduce the environmental impact that all of us have, there are lots of small changes that we can make in our lives today, that will make a large difference. Here we list 10 of our favorite simple tips to living more sustainably. These are easy quick changes that you can make in your own home and life that will add up. 
Awareness of the environment and many of the damaging effects humans are having on it is growing. This is great news. Our ability to share information and communicate through many different channels has helped spread awareness to an increasing number of people. 
  • 2 min read
In the preparation to launch Lochtree, it was essential that we identified additional opportunities to support positive environmental causes.  Our goal was to not just stop at providing great eco-friendly products, but to also identify opportunities to give back. In researching the various opportunities available we discovered 1% For The Planet. 
  • 1 min read
Lochtree's origins are based in two key questions. “Can we rethink the way consumers learn about and shop for sustainable products? And, “can we make purchasing sustainable products more convenient?” Tackling these two problems and giving back to the environment in a positive manner was the genesis of our brand.
