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Simple Choices. Better Planet.


Your company cares about the planet – and it shows. You encourage cycling to work, there are recycling bins throughout the office, and the employee Christmas gifts? Yup, you guessed it – sustainable, hand-picked products with low environmental impact.

In other words, you’re doing everything right. Or, are you? 

The sustainability jungle, which is complicated as it is, can be even harder to navigate from the office chair. One thing, in particular, trips most of us up – namely, composting. And as it happens, it’s also one of the most important things to get right.

But don’t worry. In this article, we break down the term compostable, and explain exactly how to avoid that one weak link in your chain that could make all your environmental efforts be in vain. We’ll talk about:
  • 6 min read

The kitchen is definitely a beast to tackle on your zero waste journey – anyone who’s done it knows. 

And it’s no surprise – the kitchen is one of the rooms responsible for the most waste in your home. But creating a zero-waste kitchen that’s both functional and effortless to keep up is definitely possible. We’ve done it, and many others, too.

  • 9 min read

Just getting started on your zero waste journey? Welcome – you’re in the right place. 

One of the biggest challenges when transitioning to a zero waste lifestyle is knowing where to start. But tackling the bathroom is one of the most effective steps you can take to reduce waste in your home. 

So today, we’re sharing our easy-to-follow approach to achieving a zero waste bathroom, and the zero waste essentials stocking our own cabinets. Ready? Let’s spill the tea.

  • 7 min read

Did your friends ever send you “snipe-hunting” at summer camp? If so, you’ve experienced the power of myths firsthand. 

But not all myths are created equal. In fact, some myths can be downright harmful. This is especially true when they hold you back from doing something that can benefit your business. 

A prime example of this is the realm of business gifting. There are many misconceptions about business gifts — which could potentially get in the way of you taking advantage of this powerful tool.

That’s why we’re breaking down five common myths about business gifting. Plus, we’re explaining the truths on the other side of these misconceptions. 

  • 5 min read

Wanna go zero waste, but have no clue where to start?

We get it. Zero waste living has so many benefits for the environment, your wallet, and your well-being. But transitioning to a zero-waste lifestyle is no small task – after all, a whole new way of living means making thousands of tiny little shifts in your everyday life.

And where do you start such a gigantic task?

Don’t worry – we won’t leave you hanging. Below, we’ve put together our 5 best tips for how to go zero waste, to make your transition to a sustainable lifestyle a smooth process.

And the best part? These tips are quick and easy to follow, and you can get started right away!

So, are you ready to get started on your zero waste journey? Let’s dig in.

  • 6 min read

Let’s talk about something you likely haven’t talked about this week… armpits. Each one of us has armpits that are completely unique to us. Some have hair, some don’t. Some sweat a lot, some don’t. Some are stinky, some aren’t.  

Which is what makes finding the right deodorant hard. The right deodorant for our partners, best friends, or family members may not be right for us. And you may not even know you’re using the wrong deodorant for you, because you’ve never used the right one! 

Do you know how much trash the average American throws away per day?

 An astonishing 4.5lbs, that’s how much. Per day.

 Now, we all know that landfills are hotspots for environmental damage – and yet, so much of what we use every day eventually end up there. But the waste coming out of our households speak to a bigger problem… and you probably know what it is.

Yup – overconsumption, and overproduction.

  • 9 min read

Recently, the Supreme Court passed down a ruling that left the sustainability community in a tailspin. To understand why this ruling is important, we have to start with the Obama administration. 

The case West Virginia v. the EPA centered around Obama’s Clean Power Plan. This plan aimed to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by the coal industry by moving away from coal to renewable energy. Today, coal provides 21% of the electricity in the US, but makes up ½ the carbon dioxide emissions from all power productions. 

  • 6 min read

You’re preparing to enter (or re-enter) the world of business gifts. But you feel a little like a hiker standing at the beginning of a trailhead, hoping you don’t take a wrong turn somewhere along the way. 

Luckily, you don’t have to go it alone. We’ve already walked the trail — and we have a map for success that we’re ready to share with you.

  • 5 min read

You know how the story goes – you’ve put two peppers down on your shopping list, but now that you’re standing in the veggie aisle at the store… why not buy a few extra, just in case? 

Or maybe, your story goes more like this: After two days of eating the same tomato pasta, it just doesn’t look that appetizing anymore… so you make something else, and the next time you see those leftovers? They’ve grown fur. Yikes. 

Food waste is nothing new – we’ve all heard of it, and honestly, we’ve all done it. But according to a recent report by the UN, 931 million tonnes of food goes to waste every year – that’s 17% of all food produced globally. The figure is even higher in the US, with an estimated 30-40% going straight into the bin. 

  • 9 min read

Nothing turns a house into a home quite like candles. 

The warm, lovely scent, that instant homely ambiance… yup. Summer, autumn, winter, spring – if you’re anything like us, you love your candles year-round, no matter the season. 

  • 7 min read
Hair is a deeply personal thing. Unless you’re a buzz cut kind of person, there’s a high likelihood that you’ve been going to the same stylist for years. You probably have an arsenal of products you trust for styling your hair. And, you fluctuate between one to three hair styles outside of special occasions. 
  • 6 min read
