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Simple Choices. Better Planet.


Flossing our teeth is an activity that most of us probably do not spend much time considering (except for maybe after visiting the dentist). While very important for oral hygiene, flossing is quietly having a growing detrimental impact on the environment. Yes, you read that correctly.
  • 4 min read
Zero-waste living has become a popular environmental aspiration. Many approaches to zero-waste living exist, and individuals are turning to them for various reasons; individuals from diverse backgrounds, inspirations, motivators, household sizes, and ages.
Our bathrooms are host to countless grooming and hygiene products, mostly made from plastic or coming packaged in plastic containers. If these plastic-based and plastic packaged consumables weren’t bad enough, most are never be separated from other rubbish and fail to end up in a recycling bin. So, where to begin? Well, have you considered replacing your old mouthwash with dissolvable mouthwash tablets? This relatively new eco-friendly product is rapidly gaining in popularity as consumers quickly come to appreciate its benefits as well as ease of use. 
  • 4 min read
The safety razor, also known as the double-edged safety razor, is a great example of a product that was arguable perfect before plastics were introduced. The last fifty years have brought us advancement after advancement with our razors, from more and more blades, different materials, exciting and strange colors, and much more. But, as we take a closer look at the razor, a mainstay of many grooming routines, we find that the eco-friendly safety razor may have had it right all along. 
  • 5 min read
As we search for opportunities to reduce waste in our lives, one of the best places to begin is with our daily routines. One of these routines is brushing our teeth, something most of us do at least twice a day. But, within this daily practice is an opportunity to reduce plastic waste. The commonplace plastic toothbrush has a significant and long lasting effect on our planet. 
  • 2 min read
Deodorant, an important part of our daily routines, is not something many of us would like to give up or would like others to give up, but its packaging waste continues to have a growing ecological impact. So it’s time we take a deeper look at this plastic staple of our morning, its history, production, and new plastic-free alternatives that are available. 
  • 3 min read
For many of us, laundry is one of those household chores that simply needs to be done. It’s a mundane and unglamorous routine that most of us complete multiple times a week. One can be forgiven if spending a significant amount of time pondering our laundry routine’s environmental impact doesn’t rise to the top of the immediate concern list.
  • 3 min read
Plastic bags have widespread use in our everyday life. They are seemingly convenient, cheap, and offer a readily available transportation solution for purchased goods. But, these single-use products have a tremendous, growing environmental cost that we are beginning to recognize. 
  • 5 min read
There are companies all around the world developing new eco-friendly products in order to replace harmful commonplace items we use every day. If you are trying to reduce your waste, spending, or simply trying to find more convenient solutions in your bathroom, look no further. It may be time to stop squeezing the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube and make the switch to toothpaste tablets (otherwise known as toothpaste tabs).
  • 4 min read
The desire to travel and see the world is a strong drive that many of us experience. And, if 2020/2021 has done anything, it has made many of us even keener to get out and see the world. Modern travel, though, by its very definition, is not an eco-friendly or sustainable activity. Our carbon footprint increases dramatically as we step out the door and begin to go explore the world. One way to reduce our environmental impact when we travel is to consider the items and products we bring with us. 
  • 4 min read
