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Simple Choices. Better Planet.


Imagine you’re packing for a big trip that you’re excited about. You and your best friend are going somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. It’s the night before you leave. You are packing later than you’d like because you worked late. It doesn’t matter too much, because you can’t wait to get to your destination first thing in the morning. 
If you’re a person who believes in recycling plastic, we’d love to see a metaphorical show of hands. How many of you take apart your deodorant tube before recycling? Everyone knows that there are different plastics that make up a deodorant tube, right? Even if the container says it's recyclable, you know it’s still important to break down the tube and dispose of each of the pieces properly, correct?
  • 4 min read

Take a quick peek inside your wardrobe – what do you see? If you’re like most people, probably a whole lot of cotton. 

And no wonder – cotton is a massive industry, and each year we produce enough cotton to make 29 t-shirts for every person on the planet. It’s actually the biggest farmed non-food commodity in the world, and it’s a long-standing favorite – cotton was grown as far back as 7000 years ago, in Mexico as well as Ancient Egypt and Pakistan. 

  • 7 min read
It may surprise you that the coffee sock wasn’t originally an idea to help make our planet more sustainable. In fact, the CoffeeSock was born out of need. One day, a family in Austin had run out of coffee filters and needed coffee. They did what anyone else with a slight caffeine addiction would do (no judgement), and made a coffee filter out of tightly woven fabric. Thus, the CoffeeSock was born!
  • 6 min read

You want to get started with minimalism, but you’re not sure how to begin. There are so many different minimalist methods and philosophies. And you get overwhelmed when you think about all the clutter you want to minimize.

Taking your first steps into minimalism can feel unfamiliar and intimidating. But you’re not alone. We’ve honed in on nine simple steps to help you start with confidence, lay a solid foundation and avoid burning yourself out.

Q-tips were originally made of wood and were exclusively for babies. Now, Q-tips are used on babies, to apply makeup, to remove nail polish, for ear cleaning and so much more. This product is not siloed to one group or use. While working on this blog post, we learned that the “Q” in Q-tip stands for quality. If you’re reading this, chances are that’s what you’re looking for. A quality substitution to your current unsustainable Q-tip. You’re also probably wondering if a reusable Q-tip is right for you. 
  • 7 min read

These days, bamboo is everywhere – you've seen it in fabrics, kitchen utensils, and even toilet paper. Companies and consumers looking for eco-friendly alternatives just can’t seem to get enough.

And no wonder – bamboo is a fascinating and incredibly versatile plant, and in many ways a great friend to the planet. But… what is bamboo, and what’s made it such a go-to choice for conscious companies?

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “minimalism?” Do you picture a tidy, curated space? Or do you imagine a spartan apartment with nothing to do but stare at the blank walls?

Maybe you’ve seen a documentary on minimalism or heard a friend talk about KonMari-ing their house over the summer. The minimalist movement is gaining steam, and it is easy to see why.

We have all been so busy finding ways to create zero waste kitchens and bathrooms we forgot one other, very important space. It makes sense why this room has been overlooked. Kitchens and bathrooms do produce a lot of waste and it's important we find ways to reduce said waste. But, hear us out. We cannot forget this room either. This room accounts for approximately 6% of a home’s energy use (and that’s just one appliance). It’s time we all take a long, hard look at our laundry room. 

  • 4 min read

Sustainability and turning green are often misunderstood. It is frequently seen as a costly endeavor. This is often not the case, since most sustainable measures will help you save money in the long run. You may just have to put money into turning green in the beginning.

Just like any other investment, you need to put in some time, effort, and money to get the benefits. So don't be afraid to become green; there are many advantages for both the environment and your money.

  • 5 min read

Greenwashing is a term that is thrown around a lot in the media at the moment, but it is a term that leaves many confused. So what is it, and why is it an issue?

Greenwashing is when a company gives a false impression or provides misleading information about how their products or actions are more environmentally sound. 

  • 5 min read
Food is our fuel and a central part of our lives. Unfortunately though, food consumption generates a jaw dropping amount of waste, and if you’re serious about living a zero-waste lifestyle, targeting your grocery shopping routine is a great place to start.
  • 6 min read
